Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Wild Thing
By Annabelle King
Completed using pencil and watercolour.
I've been so obsessed with leopard print recently and the whole "wild" look that I decided to base a drawing on it and it was SO much fun to do!
I was actually really inspired by Katy Perry's recent song ROAR. I'm really happy with how this one's turned out - she looks like a LION.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

London Fashion Week!

So yesterday I was kindly invited to Nadia Minkoff and Nico Didonna's Spring Summer 2014 collection at London Fashion Week. The collection was entitled "Cubism Line" and it was BEAUTIFUL! 
I got some great shots and here are two of my favorites:

Even outside at Somersethouse the street fashion is incredible, it was like a catwalk show in itself!

These girls all turned around at exactly the right time and i managed to get a photo #caughtinthemoment

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


So, I'm back from the beautiful, sun-filled place you call Turkey. 
Although it's great to be back, drawing and all sorts, i do miss the golden sun, sand and long days spent just swimming...
Whilst i was away i took azillion photos of the sceanery etc and here's some of my favs!

(Via Instagram)


Now I'm home i can get back to sketching and with London Fashion Week drawing near, I'm sure my days will be filled with everything to do with FASHION! Cant wait :-)
Anyway i hope you like my holiday snaps and i'll keep you updated with all my upcoming illustrations!

P.S. Turkey have THE best beer. Ever.